Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Fed Up

I'm Completely Fed Up
With Myself....

I have been planning on doing this for months now for various reasons.  But I am lazy when it comes to working out and have very little motivation to diet.  I'll do diets for awhile and then talk myself out of it for one reason or another.  

These past couple of weeks have just gotten on my nerves.  Between not being able to take a shower without my belly knocking things off the shelves,  looking in the mirror or a window or even my shadow on the side walk and wanting to cry.  To feel so unattractive that my love life is suffering.

So with all of that, im done.  Im done being fat.  Im done being miserable.  Im just done!!

So this is day one of this and I am committing to do this everyday.  Later tonight, the weigh in will be posted and my exercise and food intake.  

Many people have said they want to join me in this project and my son actually is doing it with me too.  If you are interested just contact me on this blog and we will do this together.

Wish me luck and good luck to you too.

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