Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Day 22

Another Slip But Another Step Forward.
I did weight myself and have been diligent on working out and eating right when I am home.  My biggest issue is getting myself to work out and eat right when I am not at home.  I go to my boyfriends house on the weekends and sometimes big parties that I am invited to.  I watch mu portions when I am at either one, but the food is the healthiest that I could be eating.  So the ugly numbers after a 20 stint of not updating this due to lack of motivation and seriously time.  I now weigh 310.  Before this weekend I was 308.  I gained 2.5lbs. this weekend and that is kinda depressing.  I will not let this completely discourage me though because, yes I did gain this weekend.  Overall though, I have lost 3lbs. in the last month.  Sure that is not a lot but even the smallest decrease in the numbers on the scale is a little victory.  Like I said, I just have to figure out what to do about the time I spend away from home to keep on track.  Its more of a matter of will power than anything else because when I am out of town, it's my relax and not worry about the things that I do every other day of the week.  I just have to keep this in the back of my head that I need to keep going and not get lackadaisical when it comes to my ultimate goal.  This Halloween will be the last that I worry about what I look like in my costume or having to worry about finding one that fits my wide butt and doesn't make me look pregnant when I am not.

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