Monday, January 2, 2017

The Do Over

The Do Over

I started this blog years ago and failed.  All my fault of course.  I wont bore you with the details of excuses for there were many.  (Many might be an understatement,)  But I have gotten to the point that this is no longer just a need to lose weight because I hate how I look.  It is now a need because I am having trouble doing things that every person should be able to do.  Like walking up stairs, tying my shoes and just standing for more than 5 mins at a time without my back starting to hurt.  So for those reason and more, I'm initiating a do over!  And this time I am not doing it alone.  I have invited my best friend to do this with me!  She and I have decided that we will take this journey together.  We will use both journal and video entries to keep each other going and on track.  We also decided to start small.  The amount of weight that I want to lose is considerable.  Again like I said in the very first post of this blog.  This is not about being super model skinny.  This is about feeling good in my own skin,  Some thing that I have not felt for most of my adult life.  Our initial goal is small.  100 days. (Just a little more than 3 months)  100 days to get ourselves on the right track.  After that, we will decide if we want to keep going, change it up, set a new goal or just take a break and maintain.  We will be updating this blog until I get the new Heffa Diary'sup and running. Hopefully that will be within a week.

With all of that said.  Tomorrow is day 1.  I will weigh myself and force myself to post the number.  It is much more that it used to be when this blog first started.  Like I said many excuses have gotten me to this point.  From that point on, Sunday mornings will be the weigh in day.  Also, some kinda of exercise 6 days a week so that I don't burn myself out.  

Now, just because this is our journey doesn't mean that we don't want to hear about yours.  If you are doing a journey of your own, we want to hear about it.  It will help us keep going if we know that we are not alone.

Until tomorrow!